
Easy and safe ordering

With us you can easily order the desired products and pay directly online. Both our webshop and our payment methods are secured with SSL. After adding product(s) to your shopping cart, enter the order and delivery details, choose the shipping and desired payment method and you can easily pay immediately. After completion your order will be confirmed by e-mail. Do you not receive an email within 5 minutes? Then contact us and we will be happy to check this for you. If you create an account when ordering, you can view the order status and your order history immediately.

We will keep you informed

We will keep you informed of the status of your order by e-mail. We will process your order, prepare it for dispatch and inform you as soon as it is sent. You will also receive a tracking link that you can use to track your order. If your product is unexpectedly out of stock, you will receive a message from us by e-mail, or we will call you. You can choose to wait until the product is back in stock or cancel your order.

Delivery of your order

Under normal circumstances you will receive the ordered product within 1-5 days. We work with a number of different carriers for this. The choice depends on the size of your order and the insured value. You do not have to make a choice, we will choose the best shipping option for you. You will receive a tracking link with the expected delivery time. We take your preferences into account as much as possible, but cannot always meet them. Our carriers try to offer the shipment several times and you can get the option to have the package delivered to a different address. Unsigned packages can also be offered at your neighbors, our carrier will then post a message about this in your letterbox.


We supply the lighting from our own stock and from our suppliers' stock. Not all our suppliers have the ability to deliver their stock in real time. Although we do our utmost to keep the stock on the site in sync with that of our suppliers, it is possible that the stock stated on the website differs from that of the supplier. If you want to be sure that the product you ordered is in stock, please contact us. 

Purchase at a distance

Since 1 February 2001, the law on 'remote purchasing' has been in force. This law has given consumers a stronger legal position, including when it comes to buying via the internet. By law, there is a question of distance buying when the consumer and the seller have not seen each other when purchasing. Consumers are entitled to a trial period of 14 working days after delivery of the product. They may return a product within that period, whereby they only have to pay the postage costs for the return. The trial period does not apply to purchases made to order. If you have questions about the applicability, please contact us.

Note: Remote buying law is a consumer law and does not apply to business customers.